The girl in this photo is my old principle. As you may have noticed, I like to paint pictures from film stills. For Christmas one year, my brother gave me a book of Hollywood photographs. In it was this picture of Dana Andrews with his family. And there was Susan, sitting on the stairs getting her hair pulled. How strange to have a part of your past present itself to you in such an unexpected way. Dana Andrews is in Laura, one of my all time favorite film noir movies.
Lyrics from the song Laura:
Laura is the face in the misty light
Footsteps that you hear down the hall
The LAUGH that floats on a summer night
That you can never quite recall
And you see Laura on a train that is passing through
Those eyes how familiar they seem
She gave your very first kiss to you
That was Laura but she's only a dream
Footsteps that you hear down the hall
The LAUGH that floats on a summer night
That you can never quite recall
And you see Laura on a train that is passing through
Those eyes how familiar they seem
She gave your very first kiss to you
That was Laura but she's only a dream