Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Terrarium Magic

A couple of weeks ago the lifestyle group at my work went on a field trip to Workshop, a cool DIY craft workshop in SF, where we made beer cozies and terrariums. I know everyone is going on and on about terrariums, but when you make one, you do feel the magic. Now I have my own little magical glass jar world. And did I mention the deer? There is a deer! Awesome. 
(Don't judge the magic based on my crummy photo. That's why I spend time drawing and not taking pictures.) 
So I am thinking of starting to bike to work, but I am a nervous nellie, and the idea of biking in the city terrifies me. Riding next to cars scares me; riding next to other bikers scares me; me on a bike scares me; you scare me; Anne Hathaway scares me. The only thing that doesn't scare me is terrariums--unless there is a mini zombie in the terrarium--a mini zombie in a terrarium scares me.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

6/4/11 to 6/12/11

I need to have more conversations with kids. When else do you seriously get to discuss buried treasure, mermaids, and gnomes? More conversations about pirates please; less conversations about deadlines and whether a word should be capped or not. 
Things I liked to draw as a kid:
Dolphins jumping through hoops
Asian women in restaurants
Paper dolls
Cows hanging out in pastures
Elephants with carriages on their backs 

Monday, August 15, 2011

5/26/11 to 6/2/11

Current things that I fancy:

Fashion: This dress worn by Marion Cotillard in Midnight in Paris
Songs: Stardust sung by Nat King Cole (Stardust 4 eva) and Fantasy by Mariah Carey
Drinks: Pimm's Cup or a Chi Chi
Films: Rebecca and Midnight in Paris
Sayings: Gee wilikers
Cuteness: Socks for my chair

Saturday, August 6, 2011

5/16/11 to 5/26/11

Sharing is caring and I'm a Claire Bear, so today I am going to share two things with you: One, I'm a robot; two, I'm gay for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Okay, both of those things are false (except the gay for Buffy thing), but I do have two other things to share.

I recently submitted a post on the Chronicle Books blog titled Do You Have Post-Potter Depression? It is all about how to overcome the depression that comes with the knowledge that there is no more Harry Potter to look forward to (cue desperate sobbing).

My brother started a daily picture diary blog called 1 per Day. He is traveling for three weeks, so he probably won't be adding new content for a while, but you should check it out.

And that is my sharing for the day. I hope you enjoyed it. Until next time.