Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Terrarium Magic

A couple of weeks ago the lifestyle group at my work went on a field trip to Workshop, a cool DIY craft workshop in SF, where we made beer cozies and terrariums. I know everyone is going on and on about terrariums, but when you make one, you do feel the magic. Now I have my own little magical glass jar world. And did I mention the deer? There is a deer! Awesome. 
(Don't judge the magic based on my crummy photo. That's why I spend time drawing and not taking pictures.) 
So I am thinking of starting to bike to work, but I am a nervous nellie, and the idea of biking in the city terrifies me. Riding next to cars scares me; riding next to other bikers scares me; me on a bike scares me; you scare me; Anne Hathaway scares me. The only thing that doesn't scare me is terrariums--unless there is a mini zombie in the terrarium--a mini zombie in a terrarium scares me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

San Francisco is lame.